

It is time to consider our environmental impact. Businesses who take leadership in this cause will make a significant improvement to our planet.

No longer can companies focus on a single bottom line: profit. We MUST consider the triple bottom line: PEOPLE, PLANET, PROFIT. Tires are scrapped at a rate of 1.1 tire/person/year leading to over 300 million tires scrapped per year. Landfill space is becoming more and more scarce as tires do not biodegrade and have significant negative space.

Fortunately, tires are 100% recyclable. The high quality of steel and rubber found in tires are easily reintegrated into the manufacturing process at very minimal or no change to existing manufacturing processes. Such products using recycled tires have proved to perform better than traditional materials. The global implications of reducing waste tires are many: improved socio-economic justice, reducing landfill, reducing carbon footprint and creating a safer society.